Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2011

When I'm with you Part 2

When I’m with you
By Kieran Lee


It was friday night, and let me tell you, the week had pretty much been the same. I would spend my time staring at the back of Eddie’s head or at his arse, he’d smile at me, raise his eyebrows at me and then I’d go home and play with my cock over him. After I’d finished jerking off I’d get a text from TJ (probably a text he sent all of us) telling me about the amazing blowjob he’d just got off Eddie at the park and I’d get a pang of jealousy. I’d always had some sort of friendly rivalry with TJ. Probably because we were both very similar, about 6ft1", lightly tanned skin, muscled arms (his slighty bigger),tight six pacs, well defined pecs and beautiful muscular legs. His eyes were green, mine were brown, but we both had chocolate brown hair. TJ and I were both extremely good at football, always trying to be better than each other, always trying to see who could sleep with the hottest girl, you know, fun, silly competitions like that. I was lying in bed thinking about all this when my phone went off...
"Hey! What you doing?" TJ"s voice came down the phone loud and clear.
"Nothing just chilling."
"Parents are away, party at mine, be at mine for half eight!"
"Alright" I muttered and hung up the phone.

I went to get a quick shower before I chose what to wear for the party, I wasn’t all that excited, but maybe I could get Eddie drunk and fuck him just to beat TJ at something haha! No but I wouldn’t treat Eddie like that, he was special and beautiful and... Oh never mind. I put on some baggy jeans and a plain white top, "Mum! Can you take me to TJ"s please?" I called down the stairs, I heard footsteps at the bottom of the stairs, "Your Mums gone out, I can take you if you’re ready to go right now!" My dad called. I ran downstairs, grabbed a crate of beer from the fridge and walked out into the cold, dark air.
"So, big thing or just the guys getting together?" my dad said one hand on the stiring wheel and the other fiddling with the sterio.
"He said it was a party, so I’m guessing quite a few people will be there" I replied, staring at the window, I then glanced at my father.
"What do you do, when you want something, but you’re too afraid to ask, because you’re scared of the outcome?"
"I say you go for it son, what have you got to lose, you’ll be rejected for lots of different things in life, so it’s not going to be that awful if it does happen, what’s up, is there someone you like?" He smiled at me quickly.
"You could say that" I sighed, "Thanks for the lift Dad!" I said, climbing out the red sports car, it was my dads pride and joy. I turned and he waved before speeding off. I could already hear the music blaring and people laughing as I walked up to the front door.

I knocked three times loudly so they could hear me over the music, Harry, another close friend who played on my team opened the door.
"Eyy Kai!" he slurred, he’d obviously had one to many as he pulled me in for a strong hug, well he was more supporting himself on me than hugging me. The house was full of people from my school, all drinking and grinding on each other to the music. I walked into the kitchen to put the beers in the ice bucket and ran into my boys.
"Oooh! Someone’s looking sexy!" TJ giggled twisting my nipple through my T-shirt. I pushed his hands away, "Get the fuck off!" I laughed, he was always doing stuff like this when he’d been drinking.
"Here I wanna show you boys something" TJ whispered, I grabbed myself a beer and we all fallowed him into the front room. He nodded towards this girl in tiny shorts and a tight black top, she had massive boobs and a tiny waist, she was dancing with a group of her friends yet her bright red hair made her stand out amongst them.

"That, my friends, is what I’m getting at tonight" TJ said with his usual pride. "I thought you liked Eddie..." I said quietly. TJ looked at me like I was stupid, "Yeah, but he’s been giving me head for the last five days, the boy won’t even let me get into his pants and that’s the thing I want to do most, I won’t stop trying but at the same time I’m not going to turn down any pussy that comes my way, especially a pussy that belongs to Lauren Matthews!" He laughed and threw his big arms round mine and Tyler’s shoulders, dragging us back to sit on his sofa. Through the army of dancing people was able to spot Eddie, he was dancing with a group of people, he looked as if he’d had a few drinks but wasn’t completely drunk. He danced beautifully, his rhythm was perfect, he was built to move and dance. I could see him and he could see me, he smiled properly now, the same seductive smile he’d given TJ. I checked my phone quickly, and when I looked up Eddie was gone. I looked to my left and noticed TJ wasn’t there anymore, "Oi Kai!" he called out to me. I looked up and saw him with his arm round Lauren, "I’ll talk to you later yeah!" he said with his trademark wink. "Fucking arse hole!" I laughed.


It was nearing 2am, and only a small handful of people were left in the house. There were beercans everywhere and a few broken bottles, but apart from that the house wasn’t too wrecked. Me, Dan and Rose were putting some cans in a bin bag when Eddie and TJ walked in together.
"So, you fancy staying round tonight?" TJ said to Eddie.
"Why? Lauren wasn’t satisfying enough for you?" Eddie said calmly but there was a hint of anger in his voice.
"Babe please, a man needs what a man needs" TJ grinned, not caring that he might of hurt Eddie.
"There’s no way I’m fucking you now, let alone sucking your cock if it’s been in some girl, I’ll be over tomorrow, at like 1, okay?" Eddie said, with the anger gone and the cute half smile back, they kissed and he walked out the house. About ten minutes after Eddie left I decided I didn’t really want to sleep over and hear about TJ"s wild sex with Lauren. I told him I’d seen him on Monday and said bye to the guys. My head was pretty fuzzy from the alcohol so I decided I’d walk home in the cold fresh air, it was only a half hour walk from TJ"s house to mine.

I was strolling through the park; it was pretty cold as the wind blew on my bare arms. I saw someone sitting on the swings, I couldn’t see their face, but when I saw the figure of the person I got a warm bubbly feeling in my stomach, and as I approached them the feeling got stronger. I sat on the swing next to him...
"Hey stranger" his beautiful soft voice was making me sweat, "You fallowing me?" I looked up at Eddie and he smiled a normal sweet smile. I could hardly breath, his gold eyes shone through the dark, he had a light to him which I longed to own. I got off the swing, stumbling a bit, how could a boy have this effect on me? I went to sit on the bench facing away from the swings; I stared across the empty field infront of me, going on forever into darkness. I heard soft footsteps and felt Eddie’s hand stroke my shoulder as he walked round the bench to sit next to me.

"You never talk to me" he said softly.
"Yeah, because your TJ"s boy."
"I’ve given him head a few times, no commitment, I’m only TJ"s boy to you, if you want me to be." He glanced at me, raising his brows.
"I saw that you got annoyed when you found out he’d had sex with Lauren" I whispered. Eddie looked at me and shook his head as if he was trying to figure something difficult out. "I don’t like being played, but I should of expected it from someone like him." He shivered, and I absent mindedly put my arm round him, I felt tingles in my skin.
"Is there anyone you like?" Eddie said, striking up conversation.
"I met someone a few days ago, their...beautiful" I whispered, staring with Eddie across the park.
"Do they know how beautiful you think they are?" he asked.
"Oh they know, how could they not, they must know how they make me feel!" I mumbled, breaking my stare across the field and looking at my feet.
"How do they make you feel?" Eddie said, softly snuggling into me.
"They’re just like the wind, everything else moves when they’re around..." I said breathlessly, "They look so delicate, I just want to hold and protect them forever."
"That’s a beautiful thing to say, you must really care about this person, even if you have only known them for a few days" Eddie said, his breathing had picked up, he knew it was him, he knew, he knew!

We sat in silence for a while, the music of the wind around us. I wasn’t cold, I wasn’t jealous, I wasn’t uncomfortable, I was just sitting here, with someone who made me feel so...right! And this moment was beautiful like Eddie, since the day I’d met him he made me feel on edge but now I felt peaceful. "You should tell him" Eddie said louder than we’d been speaking before, breaking the silence.
"Huh?" I said nervously.
"You should tell this person how you feel, what have you got to loose?" Eddie said, which reminded me of what my dad had said.
"Maybe I will" I said, holding Eddie closer than me, rubbing his arms to keep him warm. Eddie and Dad were right, the worst thing that could happen was he rejected me, and if so I’d just get on with life. As I said before girls just kind of threw themselves at me, I never actually went up to someone and asked them out, but there’s a first time for everything! I was deep in thought when suddenly my arms felt empty. I looked up and Eddie was standing infront of me, "I’m gonna go home now" he said smiling at me, he turned and walked away from me.

I knew this was it, I was probably about the make the biggest mistake of my life but I couldn’t keep it in anymore, it was now or never. "EDDIE!" I shouted, running up behind him, he span round his eyes shining. I took a deep breath and pressed my lips against his and it was the best feeling I’d ever experienced. I wrapped my arms around him, I didn’t squeeze his bum like TJ instead I softly stroked his back, he tasted and smelt amazing. For a few seconds he kissed me back, with so much passion, like he’d been wanting it just as long as I had. I pulled away, Eddie’s eyes were bright but his face looked shocked, his mouth was open in an adorable way and his cheeks from what I could make out in the darkness, were flushed red.
"Kai, I..." he started.
"Now you know" I whispered, I then turned and walked away out the park and home. I was so happy, I couldn’t even think, I stripped off naked, climbed into bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face.


I’ve had many sex dreams, but none have been filled with so much passion and lust as the one I had last night about Eddie Stroud. It had started off us being in the park, like last night I had run up to him and kissed him passionately, but this time the kiss never stopped, this time he pulled off my t-shirt and starting kissing and nibbling my toned shoulders. My tongue found the inside of his sweet mouth again while he pulled down the zip of my jeans and reached inside. Eddie looked into my eyes and gasped as one of his tiny hands wrapped round my hard, hot nine inch dick. The angel of my dreams then dropped down to his knees pulling my boxers down with him. He rubbed my cock, jerking it with a quick rhythm until I was leaking pre cum. Eddie closed his eyes and took my cock into his mouth, his soft full lips slid up and down making my cock so hard and wet. "Mmm!" Eddie giggled, smiling sweetly as I gently pushed him onto his back. I undid his jeans and pulled them off, realizing the boy had no underwear on.

His cock was about seven inches, the skin was smooth with a beautiful pink head, he was hard and pulsing just from sucking me off. But I was more captivated by his arse. It was big, firm, the skin was soft and smooth and it was perfectly round, I was drooling as the gold eyed beauty spread his legs for me, flashing me a perfect set of balls and a little pink hole, there wasn’t a single hair on his body. I knelt down infront of him and stuck my tongue on the hole. Eddie let out a quiet scream as his hole opened up for me and I was able to slip my tongue inside, and boy did it taste good! I spat on two fingers and worked them in and out of him, his arse tightend round my fingers and he wriggled about moaning and gasping like mad on the damp grass. I spat on his hole again and got on top of his small body, I kissed and held him close as he wrapped his legs around me. I took a deep breath and pushed inside him, pleasure shot through me as Eddie screamed into the empty night. "Kai!" Eddie moaned, "Oh Kai, Kai-"

"Kai!" My Mum said, shaking me, waking me up from my dream, "it’s time to get up sweety!" I wasn’t happy, I just wanted to sleep forever, but I remembered that last night I’d told Eddie how I felt about him, that we’d kissed and it was beautiful. I spent the rest of my weekend playing football with the guys and wanking over Eddie and my dream.


I woke up on Monday morning and I was extremely excited and happy. My parents and sister kept questioning me, asking what it was about. I smile and replied with a cheerful "Nothing! Just one of those moods!" before skipping out the door on my way to school. It wasn’t just one of those moods though, It was because I was going to see Eddie very soon, i really hoped things would be different now that I’d told him how I’d felt, now that we had kissed. I went into form about fifteen minutes early, normally me and the guys would do this before the morning form time started because it was empty and we could hang out. I opened the door to see TJ, Dan, Tyler and a few of the girls who went round in our group sitting on the tables. However none of them seemed happy to see me, the girls were whispering, Dan and Tyler looked nervous, which worried me, because I’d never seen them like that before. TJ however was staring at me like he hated me more than anything in the world that second, I gathered my confidence and spoke up...
"Hey guys, how were your weekends?" I started, even though I’d been with most of them the past two days.
"Fine, no thanks to you" TJ said.
"What you on about TJ?" I was starting to get worried.
"Look Kai, I know me and Eddie aren’t officially together, but making a move on someone your friend’s already with, what the fucks that all about?" he demanded.

"So I told him I like him, so what? You’re not the only one who took a shine to him you know." I explained.
"So I got there first Kai, if you wanted him you should of been a man and stepped up, sorry if I beat you too it." he said, taking a step towards me.
"Got to him first? TJ he’s not yours, he told me he wasn’t yours, and you fucked Lauren, you didn’t care that he was in the same fucking house as you!" I said, stepping back as he stepped closer to me.
"Oh he’s mine alright, even though I’d fuck Lauren the next day he was round my house sucking my cock, my tongue was in his mouth, my hands were touching his arse, not yours, not Danny’s, not Tyler’s, MINE! It’s pretty fucking pathetic don’t you think, throwing yourself at your bestmate"s boy?" TJ smirked.
"He"s not your boy! And why do you care? Eddie deserves someone who cares for him, who will treat him right, not a fucked up man whore like you!" I hissed. The minute I’d finished saying this, TJ"s fist hit my jaw, sending me backwards against the wall.

I grabbed TJ"s hand trying to hold him steady, I didn’t want to hurt him, even if he wanted to beat the shit out of me right now. Me and TJ had always done things like this, getting at girls that each other liked, and even if we did like the girl, it would be a laugh if the other slept with them, we never had fights. But now, all I’d done was shown Eddie how I felt about him and he was attempting to knock the crap out of me, Eddie had torn us apart! TJ kneed me in the stomach causing me to fall on the floor gasping in pain, he landed on me, and grabbed me by the neck. He then swung a punch into my nose, I felt pain and then warm blood trickle out my nose. I could hardly breath as he tightend his grip round my neck, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I wriggle trying to throw him off me, but as he was on top he had the advantage. The door flew open, "Toby Jonstone!" Mrs. Davies shrieked as she charge into the room with our football coach Mr. Douglas. Coach grabbed TJ and threw him onto the floor next to me, "What the hell is going on in here?!" he boomed. I said nothing, neither did TJ as he glared at me and slowly got up off the floor. "Jonstone, Out! Now!" Mr. Douglas ordered pointing towards the door. Before leaving TJ turned round leaning close to me, "Better watch your fucking back" he hissed before marching out the room. Tyler slowly walked over to help me up, I noticed someone standing in the doorway, Eddie was just staring at me, a blank look on his face, he then turned and walked away.


That night, around nine I went over to Eddie’s place to confront him, and no I’m not a stalker, TJ had pointed out his house when we walked past there to the football pitches. I knocked on the door and a guy opened, he was around the age of twenty, tall and obviously worked out, he had Eddie’s tanned skin, gold eyes and black hair, I also noticed the way he raised his eyebrows as he leaned against the doorframe, he was Eddie’s older brother I would of guess. "Yes?" he said bluntly. I adjusted my jacket and quietly said, "Hi, I’m Kai, is Eddie in?" Eddie’s brother folded his arms over his chest, "Yeah he’s in, but he’s got someone in his room, I suggest you come back some other time" he said, and then before I could say anything else he shut the door in my face. I turned to walk away from the house when something in my mind told me to turn around and look up to the left bedroom window. As I did the curtains moved aside and Eddie was standing in the window. He looked down at me, shocked to see me, he looked sad, he looked sorry. Then, my blood started to boil, TJ came up behind Eddie shirtless, he put his head on his shoulder and arms round his waist. TJ also looked down on me, a hard emotionless stare. My heart hurt as I walked away...

I went back the next day, Eddie’s brother opened the door and said "He’s not in" before shutting the door in my face. I hardly saw Eddie or TJ at school, every night I went to his house and he wasn’t there, his brother would just open the door and shake his head then slam it in my face. I was getting desperate! I had Tyler and Dan to comfort me, but they had to balance their time around me and TJ as they were friends with both of us. They had told me that Eddie and TJ had still not had sex and I was hoping they wouldn’t, not while my heart belonged to Eddie. I also started talking to Megan a lot more, and on Friday at school she told me she was into me, I acted like I was pleased but I was thinking about Eddie, he was the only one I wanted. Friday, about an hour after school I went round to Eddie’s and knocked on the door. His brother opened the door, "Give up" he sighed and slammed the door in my face. And after spending all of Friday night trying not to cry, I decided Eddie wanted nothing to do with me, no matter how much I wanted to be with him, I had to accept that TJ-the better man, had won. Saturday morning I phoned Megan asking her to come round, when she got to mine, it was pretty obvious what would happen. I loved Eddie so much, but waiting around was hurting beyond belief. We took our clothes off and Megan went over and got into my bed, I sighed, almost on the verge of tears, and shut the door...

Kieran Lee:

Hi again! Thank you for positive comments on the first part of this story. I understand there has been very little sex in both of the stories but I’m just trying to set the scene of the story so you know more about the characters. But trust me when I say there’s going to be sex, and when it gets going there will be a lot of it! Comments are greatly appreciated :)

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