Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2011

Story: When Im with you Part 1

Hi everyone! I'm not really fan of reading stories or any novel but
for the past few weeks I'm addicted in readingthis stories. At first I thought it was just a boring stories like the others Ive read before. But Ooppss! Im absolutely wrong.I decided to post it in my blog so that the others can read it too.

WARNING: 18+ This story has Yaoi/Boys love genre or we can say Male2Male relationship story and contains adult content tor topics. So if you don't like it then dont read it.

DISCLAIMER: I didn't own this story, this story is own by Kieran Lee.

Hope you like it! Enjoy reading. .^_^. you can post comment or review if you want.


When I’m with you
By Kieran Lee

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Kai, and I’m eighteen years old. I’m your average teen, and although I hate school, I try hard to get good grades. I’m well liked at school, I go round with a large group of people, but I only have a few close friends, this is because I hate fakes who suck up to me to raise their popularity status. I play football for the school team, but I’m not captain, and I don’t want to be as I’ve never been good with organizing and stuff. Lots of girls come to cheer me on as I have a kick about and score my fair share of goals. And although I sometimes like the attention, I find girls try too hard to get with me. I’ve shagged a few girls, but not loads like most boys my age claim they have. Today it was the first day back from the summer holidays, which means school starts at a later time of 11am, all we do on this day is hang about in form getting new lesson timetables and once again being told "what is expected of us this year". New kids not only join the first year, but at least twenty kids add on to each year, I don’t know why people my age would leave their school to come to this shit hole but they do, new kids don’t really interest me, I’m already friends with the people I want to know.

"Football this year is going to be great! I’ve been practicing my skills all holiday, plus the team has gotten closer, were really going to thrash everyone this season!" Dan said excitedly as we walked over to our gang which were sitting on the tables outside a cafe, across the road from our school. "Man, I’m really not motivated enough to go back to school yet" TJ moaned, leaning back in his chair and placing his huge muscled arms behind his head. Everyone started talking about how school was shit and that the holidays didn’t seem long enough, my mind however was on something different. There was this boy walking on the opposite side of the road heading towards our school. He was clearly smaller than me, about 5"6. Quite skinny, but not "You need to seek professional help otherwise you’re going to waste away" skinny. He had fashioned our school uniform his own way. His black school trousers skinny and fitted, hugging his bum (the only thing full and rounded on his body) and the buldge at the front, making them quite noticable through the material. He wore black high-top converse shoes and our school jumper round his shoulders. His white shirt unbuttoned all the way down to where his six pack would of started, if he had one, I wasn’t sure, I wasn’t close enough.

He had just walked through the front gate, and as if he sense me looking at him he turned round and stared across the road. "Why is that boy looking at us?" my friend Rose said. "He must be new" Megan said. "He must be gay, look at him!" Tyler blurted out, causing some of the guys in our group to laugh. The boy couldn’t hear us, but after his long stare he turned round and walked up to the entrance, he looked and walked as if he was as light as a feather. "Wonder what he was staring at" Dan said. "We were making a lot of noise, probably just wanted us to see what was going on" explained TJ. "Yeah..." I replied, watching him walk away. I checked the time on my phone, 10:55, I announced it to everyone and we headed into school.

I was sitting in the back row in my form room with the guys, scribbling on a piece of paper, chatting, comparing what lessons we had with what teachers, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in" Mrs. Davies called to the person outside. The door opened and the boy I had seen earlier walked in. "Erm hi? I’m in this form apparently" he said to Mrs. Davies. "And who are you?" she said. "I’m Eddie Stroud" he said. "Right Eddie, take a seat" Mrs. Davies said. Eddie walked over to this shy girl named Hollie, she was a short girl, with long blond hair which she wore in a ponytail, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her speak. "Can I sit here?" Eddie said to her. She smiled and nodded, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her sitting with anyone either, he took his bag off his shoulder and sat down next to her in the row in front of me. He started chatting to her quietly and to my surprise she was talking back, I couldn’t hear what they were saying though. About fifteen minutes later Eddie could obviously sense me looking at him again because he turned around and looked straight into my brown eyes with his huge golden ones, his eyebrows raised and I felt my cheeks flushing, he gave a satisfied half smile and turned back around just in time to see Barry Goodman walk up to his table and stand infront of Hollie. Barry was a huge guy, with a shaved, almost bald head and a huge fat tummy. He seemed to gain happiness by making other people’s lives miserable, yes he was a bully, and although he had never said anything to me and my gang as we were top of the school, I still felt bad for anyone who had to deal with his shit, especially an innocent girl like Hollie who was tormented by him almost every week.

"Hey Hollie" he said fiercely, showing his ugly cruel smile, "What you got for me today?" Barry snatched Hollie"s bag and went through it, taking a can of coke, a packet of crisps and a ten pound note out of her bag before dumping it back onto the floor. Tears formed in Hollie’s eyes and no one did a thing. Barry then turned to Eddie, I started to feel scared for him. "What you looking at?" Barry snapped.
"You?" Eddie said, in a calm voice.
"Who are you anyway?"
"You got a problem Eddie? Stop fucking looking at me!"
"Why?" Eddie said with a coy smile.
"I hate it when dirty little faggots like you stare at me!" Barry said, clearly loosing his cool. Eddie let out a short laugh, "Right..." he said raising his eyebrows. Barry walked right up close to Eddie, leaning right over him, but Eddie didn’t even flinch. Barry had a fire in his eyes, even though Eddie had been by no means rude, Barry was not used to people actually answering him back, they normally just cowered away. "Cute" Eddie said, still in his calm voice, eyebrows raise, "You’ve got that big intimidating school bully thing going for you haven’t you. Well let me tell you something, my ten year old brother is more intimidating than you." Hollie laughed at this, I must admit I did as well. "You think it’s funny?! I’m Gonna fuck your little faggot friend up!" Barry screamed at Hollie.
"If you’re going to do something to me, then do it?" Eddie’s beautiful calm voice came again to defend Hollie. Wait, did I just say a boys voice was beautiful? Hmm, never mind.

"What!" Barry almost shouted. Eddie just stretched and then looked Barry straight in the eyes, and calmly and clearly said, "If you’re going to do something to me then do it, because I’m not afraid of you, you may have everyone else fooled with this bullshit hard nut act, but not me, inside your an insecure little boy, upset about the fact that your cocks so tiny no girl will fuck you. Your all talk darling, and the funny thing is this conversation is effecting you more than it is me, walk away because as I said your all talk, am I right or not?" Barry turned purple, he gave Eddie the most awful look and slammed his fist on the desk, "Your not fucking worth it!" He screamed at Eddie, who still didn’t even jump at Barry"s reaction. The Bell rang for break, "Hurry the fuck up! Lets go!" Barry said to his gang and he stormed out the classroom, furious with his defeat, yet I was scared for Eddie, because knowing Barry this would not be their last encounter.

"Eddie?" TJ said, he looked just as stunned as me.
"Who’s talking?" Eddie said, turning to face us.
"Your one brave new kid, ain’t ever seen no one stand up to Barry Goodman like that!"
"I will stand for what I believe is right. And I’m not brave, this Barry is nothing and no one to be afraid of." Eddie turned round and bent over to pick up his bag, his big bum straining against his tight trousers. "Woah! I wanna be fucking that arse!" TJ announced. Eddie turned round and raised his perfect brows at TJ, who to me looked as if he was regretting what he had just said, normally that kind of cheeky talk won him his fair share of girls, but I guess with guys it was different, why would TJ say that about another guy anyway? "You can have anything if you want it enough" Eddie said, in his calm perfect manner. TJ grinned and winked at him, Eddie gave him a very sexy smile. I noticed Eddie had braces which interestingly made the smile cuter and more seductive, just having braces gave him some beautiful innocence, and this innocence was not only having an effect on me, but also my good friend TJ. After his interaction with TJ, Eddie glanced quickly to me and raised his eyebrows again, he had this look in his eye, like he’d gotten the reaction from me that he’d wanted, before I could say anything he turned and walk out the classroom. "I’m thinking, I’m gonna be doing stuff with a guy this year" TJ whispered to me as we went to find the rest of the gang. "What the hell?" Tyler and Dan said, giving TJ a strange look.

"I hear their tighter than girls, and give much better head, everyone experiments at some point, doesn’t make you gay just because your researching new ways of getting off" TJ said, I don’t know why but we all nodded in agreement, it was making sense.
"You thinking that boy’s going to be Eddie?" Dan said.
"Yep, something interesting about him..." TJ said sounding sure of himself. I walked with them to the school cafe, thinking about what TJ had said, yeah, this Eddie was something else...


After break we had another hour and thirty minutes left in form, like i said before it was a shorter day today. TJ, Tyler, Dan and I rocked back into our form room, as I was passing Eddie he lifted his head up from where he and Hollie were in deep conversation and looked at me. I needed to know what that half smile, with raised eyebrows meant. I’ve never been intimidated by someone, I mean seriously, I’ve never had a reason to be. But I’ve only ever gotten three types of looks in my life, the first would be the friendly look, the second a jealous look, and the third a flirty look and it was only ever girls who looked at me that way. Eddie’s look was hard to read, simply because nobody had ever stared at me the way he did, it was as if he was staring right into my brain, obsessed with what I was thinking. However, the thing that scared me most was not the way he looked at me, but the way it made me feel when he did. My hands would go sweaty and I’d get this feeling in my stomach. It’s that same type of feeling where someone knows something about you that they shouldn’t and you’re freaking out because you know soon they will tell everyone, yeah that’s what it felt like. For almost twenty minutes I stared at his black spiky hair and tanned neck. My thoughts were interrupted by Tyler, Dan and TJ"s conversation.

"So, when you gonna talk to him?" Dan said, nodding towards Eddie.
"After class, I’m just going to see if he wants to hang out for a while" TJ grinned.
"What if he’s not up for it?" Tyler questioned.
"He said I could have anything if I wanted it enough, and I want it bad!" TJ started laughing. "Class, everyone has to go and pick their lockers for this year, I expect everyone back in less than twenty minutes!" Mrs. Davies announced, and everyone got up and headed for the door.

I was walking up to the locker which I had taken every year since my first. My stomach turned when I saw Eddie opening my locker, it sounds stupid but I kind of still wanted my locker so I walked up behind him.
"What is it?" He said, wow, how did he even know I was behind him.
"Hey, erm...Eddie, is it? This is my locker" I said politely and Eddie turned to face me.
"I don’t see your name on it?"
"Well it’s not like my locker but uh...I’ve been using it since first year."
"Is it really that special to you?" he said, raising his eyebrows yet again.
"No, I guess it’s just the one I’d rather use, you know, memories and that." I stuttered, I never stutter with anyone!
"Right...Memories" Eddie said, he stepped out the way and walked a few steps away, then turned round to look at me.
"What’s your name?" he said.
"Hi Kai" Eddie said, doing his cute half smile, he turned away from me and walked down the corridor, I noticed TJ walking up to him and they started talking, I don’t know why, but I felt kind of jealous.


Me and the guys were walking out of class, Eddie was with Hollie infront of us I watched his arse through his trousers. "Hey Eddie" TJ grinned, putting his big arm around Eddie’s shoulder, he was so much smaller than TJ, "Fancy coming with me?" Eddie smiled and TJ ushered us to fallow him. We walked to the changing rooms which were empty as there wasn’t sport practice on the first day back. Once inside TJ put his bag on the bench and ripped off his shirt, giving us a full view of his pecs and hard abs. He then grabbed Eddie round the waist and pulled him against his body. TJ leaned down to my amazement pressed his lips against Eddie’s, he now had his arms resting over TJ"s shoulder. After opening their mouths and having some hot tongue action TJ grabbed each of Eddie’s butt cheeks and started squeezing them roughly. He then backed up and started to unzip his trousers, "You gonna give me what I’ve been wanting since I first saw you?" he whispered, but loud enough for the rest of us to hear. Eddie looked up into TJ"s eyes, then down at where TJ was rubbing his 7 and a half inch cock in his hand. He smiled and got down on his knees, "Fuck Yeah!" TJ cheered. Eddie rubbed his cock, and pulled the foreskin back. He licked the pink tip that was already leaking pre cum. "Suck it you sexy thing!" TJ moaned. Eddie obliged opening his mouth, I noticed he had his tongue peirced. TJ"s cock invaded his tiny mouth, and Eddie went to work sucking up and down, taking it half way into his mouth using his hand on the rest of TJ"s thick cock.

TJ"s green eyes were closed and his mouth was open, he put his hands on the back of Eddie’s head and pushed him forward. I thought he would choke but instead he just deep throated the cock all the way down. "Oh fuck yeah it feels so good!" TJ groaned as Eddie’s full lips slid all the way up and down his cock and his little hands played with his balls. "Yeah keep doing that! I’m gonna cum!" Eddie pulled away and stood up. "What is it? Oh I see you want me to pound your tight little arse hole." TJ grinned.
"No. I just won’t let you cum in my mouth, blow jobs are one thing, but if you want to fuck me, you’ve got to be special, and I’m kind of impressed with your body, but your gonna have to do better than taking me into the locker rooms so I can suck your cock infront of your friends." Eddie said calmly. He glanced at me again and then walked out of the lockers.

"What the hell?" Dan said, looking just as confused as me, the only one who wasn’t confused was TJ, he had a huge grin on his face.
"What’s funny?" I asked.
"Woah, what a little fox, I mean, no girls sucked my cock like that, no girls walked away from me. That boy got a game, that I really wanna play!" TJ winked and then said "Come on lets get out of here". We headed home, Eddie’s extraordinary beauty still in my mind...


Kieran Lee: Hi guys, this is my first story. Comments and rate this story and if you want I will continue this story, thanks. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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